14 pt Pearl Metallic Postcards

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Total : $81.31
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Estimated Total : $81.31

14 pt Pearl Postcards
Pearl postcards are embedded with pearl fibers that give your project a unique and subtle shimmer with an overall smooth-to-the-touch feel.

This unique product will set you apart from your competitors while handing your customers eye-catching, classy cards that exude style, elegance, and class.

Our 14pt metallic pearl paper is a unique stock that shimmers in light when viewed from different angles. Printing on this stock will give your CMYK colors a subtle shimmer, however heavy ink densities or coverage may diminish the effect.

Pearl Postcard Uses


  • Corporate

  • Retail

  • Real Estate

  • Souvenirs

  • Stationery

  • Artists/Photographers

  • Banking/Investing


  • Available in a wide variety of sizes ranging from 2" x 45" to 6" x 9"

Color Options

  • 4/0
  • 4/1
  • 4/4

Stock Types

  • 14 PT Pearl Metallic

Run Sizes

  • 25 to 1,000

Coating Options

  • No Coating
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