17 pt Magnet Postcards

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Total : $81.19
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Estimated Total : $81.19

Magnet Postcards
Full-color magnet postcards serve as both magnets and robust messaging tools.

Magnet postcards replace traditional promotional postcards with a low-cost, memorable alternative with vibrant messaging. Magnets are the ideal way to help ensure your carefully crafted message doesn’t get thrown away.

Printed on a superior 17pt magnetic stock with UV coating, magnet postcards are available in a wide variety of sizes, with optional UV coating.

Magnet Postcard Uses

  • Real Estate
  • Contractors
  • Corporate
  • Retail
  • Restaurants
  • Banking/Investing


  • Available in a wide variety of sizes ranging from 2" x 3.5" to 4" x 11"

Color Options

  • 4/0

Stock Types

  • 17 PT Magnet

Run Sizes

  • 25 to 200

Coating Options

  • UV Coating, Front Only
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